Lt Col Douglas M. MacLean, USAF, Retired
Dates of Service: May 1966 to June 1986

Lt Col MacLean began his military career in 1966 as the first dietitian to complete Officer Basic Military Training-Medical (OBMT-M) after the school was moved from Gunter AFB, Ala. to Sheppard AFB, TX.
One month later he reported to the internship at USAF hospital Scott AFB, Ill. There he was a dietetic resident for 10 months. In March 1967, he graduated and moved to his first assignment at Cannon AFB, and served as the Chief, Medical Food Service. A memorable experience from Cannon, was when he moved from the old World War II hospital into the newly constructed facility.
Next, Lt Col MacLean took his first of two assignments to Germany. He again filled the role as the Chief, Medical Food Service, this time at Bitburg Air Base. One of his additional duties was to serve as the Food Service Officer for the 36th Tactical Hospital. The 36th Tactical Hospital was a 36 bed mobile hospital set up in 10 semi trucks and trailers. This hospital was a USAFE experimental tactical hospital.
In September 1972, he PCS’d to Travis AFB, Calif. as the Chief, Food Production and Service. In this capacity, he assisted in the planning and feeding of returning American Viet Nam Era POWs to CONUS.
In March 1974, he became the Clinical Instructor, Food Production and Service, USAF Dietetic Internship at Malcolm Grow USAF Medical Center at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC. In June 1976, he filled the role as Chief, Food Production and Service, and continued with his previous role of Clinical Instructor as an additional duty.
During his time at Andrews AFB, Lt Col Maclean provided staff support to the Associate Chief of the Biomedical Sciences Corps (BSC) for Dietetics and Office of the USAF Surgeon General. He worked with our Army and Navy counterparts to assist in the revision and the Department of Defense (DOD) Space Criteria of Hospital Food Services. This was an incredible 11-year project!
Additionally, he provided staff support for revisions and publication of Air Force Medical Food Service manuals, pamphlets and forms, and provided staff support for the review (approval, change or disapproval) of investment food service equipment plus layouts and designs of Air Force medical food service facilities.
In September 1982, he returned to Germany, this time at USAF Regional Medical Center Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany as Chief, Nutritional Medicine Services, and Consultant Dietitian for the USAFE Surgeon General.
Here, Lt Col MacLean contributed to the Development and Activating Nutritional Medicine Services in USAFE 500 Bed Contingency Hospitals. He designed facility layout plans and food service equipment specifications for each contingency hospital. During the construction phase, he provided consultant visits and other support as required to the Hospital Commander, his staff and civilian contractors.
Thank you for your dedicated service, Sir, and rest in peace!